You're about to learn, hands down, the best way to
successfully get a girl to kiss you without fear of rejection. In the advanced
version of this technique, you can even get the girl you're talking to to lean
in to kiss you!
So if you've ever been afraid of getting rejected
going for a kiss OR you've gotten "the cheek" you know why having a
rock-solid technique to moving in for the kiss is 100% crucial.
Going in for the kiss is probably the worst place
to face rejection in an interaction with a girl because:
1) You've invested a lot of TIME by this point in
the interaction, and there simply isn't enough time in your night to get this
far and then hit a brick wall and have to move on.
2) Screwing up this part of the interaction can
ruin all chances of moving on from here to seduction.
Most guys don't have the chance to learn how to
perfect going for a kiss because it happens so infrequently!
Even on a good night, most guys will typically find
one girl they hit it off with at the bar where a kiss is probably even a
So normally, you'd have to face a lot of these rejections
one by one to learn the best way to successfully go in for a kiss.
But luckily, I've already gone through all those
failures for you (until I discovered this killer technique), and can present
the best way to avoid failure and shortcut right to success.
Sound good?
The Kiss Technique makes it so that when you're
speaking to a woman, you can intentionally give off subconscious triggers that
will make her think about kissing you!
Pretty powerful stuff...
If you use this technique, suddenly making a woman
want to kiss you will be something you have control over.
If you decide to "wing it" in the stage
like most guys, however, you're going to run into problems...
First, you won't know how physically receptive she
is to kissing you. A tried and true rule to go by is this:
Your hesitation = Her reservation
So the more you hesitate, the worse your chances
get, because she starts to build up all sorts of red flags and reservations.
When you go to lean in for the kiss and you don't
do it the right way at the right time, you'll come off as needy (like you don't
have a lot of options with women) because if you did have a lot of options, you
wouldn't be worrying about the kiss with this girl.
So how do we show that you are absolutely NOT needy
(even if you kind of feel like you are) and provide a way so that you will not
fear rejection because you will know for sure ahead of time that she is wanting
to kiss you?
We use what's called The Kiss Technique.
This involves combining two psychological concepts into
a perfect recipe for mastering the kiss.
The first concept is called triangular gazing.
This will happen while you have built rapport and
are looking to move into seduction. It involves looking from one eye to
another, then looking at her mouth.
When you start looking at her mouth, you will
subconsciously start to think about kissing her, because this action is already
anchored to the thought of kissing someone.
Even if you look at a woman you're not attracted to
and look at her mouth, you can start to think about kissing her, and you will
become MORE attracted to her.
The good news is...the same happens for women.
The even BETTER news can lead her to
subconsciously start to do this and feel more attracted. How?
By using the second half of the recipe...another
psychological concept called Mirroring.
Whenever we are in conversation with someone, we
will mirror the leader of the conversation in an attempt to build subconscious
rapport with them.
When you perfectly combine triangular gazing and
mirroring, you have a combination that will make her subconsciously think about
kissing you.
After talking with her in rapport, start to look at
her mouth. At first, only for 2 seconds, then look back to her eyes. Switch
between her left and right eye, then back to her mouth for a few seconds
Continue to go from left to right eye and back to
her mouth for 2 seconds, 3 seconds, then 5 seconds.
Eventually, you want to be mostly looking at her
When she begins to look at your mouth as well, you
know for sure that she's ready to kiss you.
Voila! The Kiss Technique takes all of the guess
work out of "making a move".
You will now know with confidence when she wants to
kiss you, and get to be the fully assertive but perceptive man that women find
irresistibly sexy.
She will feel like you know exactly how to treat a
woman and feel safe and confident moving on with you.
Now, if you want to take this technique to the next
level and make it so that girls will be leaning in to you and basically begging
you to kiss them, you only have to know one magical sentence.
Learn more about the Kiss Technique and the
bizarre, magical sentence that activates her "sexual triggers" and
makes her lean and practically beg you for the kiss.